Offices for startups

A space for your business
What about coworking? Worry not! Choose one of our offices and you can have a room for only for yourself or your team.

Full service and no worries
You’ve might heard a sentence “Office as a service” already. If you haven’t, it means you have your very own space but you don’t need to take care of anything but your work. Coffee, paper in printer and strong internet connection leave on us.
Space for work and comfort
- Cleaning
- Coffee bar
- Member’s kitchen
- Enter 24/7
- Possibility of residency for your company
- Wi-Fi, printers and scanners
- Member’s portal
- Reception

For your growth
- Networking with startups in StartupYard accelerator
- Google Developers Launchpad Mentoring
- Communite #slack
- Access to mentor community
- Peer-to-peer mentoring
- Members breakfast monthly
In Prague we have 12 offices for you and your business. From small ones (8 m2) to bigger (40 m2). We have no problem with connecting two in one or making one office two.
Office 24/7
Perfect for: small teams with the need of a closed space
- 24/7 enter to coworking centre including shared open space
- Seat in your very own office
- More or less seats? It’s all up to you.
- Meeting rooms for your service
- Internet connection, printer and scanner are sure thing
- You can refresh yourself in a coffee bar or members kitchen
- Our reception is yours as well
- You have full support of the Node5 team!
„Největší výhodou Node5 je flexibilita. Dnes máme v týmu 20 lidí a příští týden jich můžeme mít 2x tolik. S Node5 mám jistotu, že jsme připraveni na růst. Oceňuji nízkou cenu, vstřícný přístup a dobře vybavené zázemí.”
Do you want us to take care of your team?
All it takes is to fill our contact form. We will contact you ASAP and we will deal on everything together.