
Work whenever you want to

Are you ready for work early or you like to start in the evening? Choose the perfect tariff and work productively whenever you want to.

Are you searching for a space for small team? Begin your journey in shared event space. When the time will come and you will need more space you can use one of our offices. And when we won’t be big enough for you anymore? We will know that we completed our mission.

Our coworking centre is open 24/7 for you. But make your first visit in the working hours of our reception please. We will show you everything so you will be confident to come on your own the next time.

„In Node5 I always do much more than anywhere else. I deal one phone call after another, delete tuns of e‑mails and thanks to that I get to the real deep work. When I see the awesome project the others are working on I just can’t stand behind”
Jaromír Dvořáček


Membership information

Working through the day

Perfect for: freelancers and small teams that like the rushing atmosphere

  • come anytime in our reception hours
  • You can sit anywhere in the frontal open space
  • Find a free place and begin

1300 CZK/month (+ 21 % VAT)

Working through the day

Perfect for: freelancers and small teams that like the rushing atmosphere

  • come anytime in our reception hours
  • You can sit anywhere in the frontal open space
  • Find a free place and begin

1300 CZK/month (+ 21 % VAT)

24/7 Grab a seat

Perfect for: freelancers and small teams working irregular or non-standard hours

  • 24/7 entry in coworking space
  • Find a free space and begin

1900 CZK/month (+ 21 % VAT)

24/7 Grab a seat

Perfect for: freelancers and small teams working irregular or non-standard hours

  • 24/7 entry in coworking space
  • Find a free space and begin

1900 CZK/month (+ 21 % VAT)

24/7 Dedicated desk

Perfect for: freelancers and small teams preferring quiet working atmosphere

  • 24/7 entry to coworking space
  • Your won table in a “focus zone”
  • Member’s kitchen and all the comfort

2900 CZK/month (+ 21 % VAT)

24/7 Dedicated desk

Perfect for: freelancers and small teams preferring quiet working atmosphere

  • 24/7 entry to coworking space
  • Your won table in a “focus zone”
  • Member’s kitchen and all the comfort

2900 CZK/month (+ 21 % VAT)

10day pass

Perfect for: part-time freelancers, nomads and short-term projects

  • Come anytime in the working hours of our reception
  • Find a free chair in the frontal open space
  • Valid for a year. You can spread your hours in a month as you wish

One time entry

Perfect for: meetings and working hard during short visit of Prague

990 CZK (+ 21 % VAT)
200 CZK (+ 21 % VAT)

10day pass

Perfect for: part-time freelancers, nomads and short-term projects

  • Come anytime in the working hours of our reception
  • Find a free chair in the frontal open space
  • Valid for a year. You can spread your hours in a month as you wish

One time entry

Perfect for: meetings and working hard during short visit of Prague

990 CZK (+ 21 % VAT)
200 CZK (+ 21 % VAT)

10day pass

Perfect for: part-time freelancers, nomads and short-term projects

  • Come anytime in the working hours of our reception
  • Find a free chair in the frontal open space
  • Valid for a year. You can spread your hours in a month as you wish

990 CZK (+ 21 % VAT)

One time entry

Perfect for: meetings and working hard during short visit of Prague

200 CZK (+ 21 % VAT)

Membership includes

  • Cleaning
  • Reception (welcoming the guests, storage and sending of your post)
  • Free entry for the member events of Node5 (monthly breakfasts, movie nights etc.)
  • Open coffee bar, printer, Wi-Fi, media projectors in meeting rooms
  • Possibility of residency for your company — 850 CZK/month
    (+ 21 % VAT)
„Pokud se rozhodnete růst rychle, potřebujete se obklopit lidmi, kteří vás posunou dál. To je pro mně Node5 — zkušení podnikatelé a investoři, nadšení startupisti a odhodlaní freelanceři na jednom místě, všichni propojeni skvělými coworkingovými službami.”
Martin Baroš

CEO, Cryptelo

Will you join us?

All it takes is to fill our contact form or you can write it all yourself in our Members’ Portal.

Which tariff do you like the most?

15 + 2 =