
Your business needs a space to grow

We are coworking space you were searching for. No more annoying ring bells or cats jumping on your keyboard. You can use our open space for start or move right into one of our offices.

Node5 Prague — Smíchov

One of the first Prague’s coworkings with big space is perfect for new startups. You can grow with us from open space to your own office. We can offer meeting rooms, quiet focus zone and loads of hard workers to inspire you.

Your business needs a space to grow

We are coworking space you were searching for. No more annoying ring bells or cats jumping on your keyboard. You can use our open space for start or move right into one of our offices.


One of the first Prague’s coworkings with big space is perfect for new startups. You can grow with us from open space to your own office. We can offer meeting rooms, quiet focus zone and loads of hard workers to inspire you.

Our services

We can offer you all you need for your business

  • Cleaning
  • Coffee bar
  • Enter 24/7
  • Office, own place or shared place for rent
  • 10 prepaid enters
  • Possibility of residency for your company
  • Wi-Fi, printers and scanners
  • Member’s portal
  • Reception
  • We are dog-friendly

For your growth

  • Communite #slack
  • Access to mentor community
  • Peer-to-peer mentoring
  • Member’s breakfast once a month



We have two offices available right now!

Looking for a place to inspire you?
A place where you can have company meetings?
Where can you have a good coffee with refreshment?

Come and see us!

Members “living” in Node5:

Companies like Apiary or Bandzone grew with us too. Join us all!

Coworking is working together

We are making an inspirational background for your hard work.

First day is for free. Try us. We have coffee for you.

„That’s how I imagine a place for startups and people oriented to technologies who are trying to do things their own way.“



Jiří Vicherek

Founder, Fenek PR

First day for free!

All it takes is to fill the contact form and we will let you know.

6 + 4 =